The hardest part about starting meditation is focusing. Once you sit still you realize how wild your mind can go, new thoughts and ideas bombarding you can be overwhelming. The core tips for anyone starting out their meditation journey would be:

1. Getting a quiet environment with no external distractions.

2. Create a comfortable sitting area – use yoga mats with cushions if need be and choose a position that works for you.

3. Don’t unconsciously or consciously verbalize words while meditating.

4. Ensure your eyes are closed throughout the session.

Mind drifting is normal, especially when you are starting out. The best way to focus for beginners is using Anappana, a technique taught by Goenka where you focus on your breathing sensations.

Basically, what that means is observing your breathe. Breathing is one of the natural things we are privileged to experience, by observing your breathe you feel the sensation of it going in and out through your nostril. Taking into account of the movement without trying to manipulate it. Feeling it going through either your left or right nostril to the peek of the hair in your nose while inhaling and feeling it touch your upper lip while exhaling. 

Just observe your breathe!

The mind will take a wild ride but don’t be hard on yourself. Bring it back by observing the sensation and be patient. You can’t be a pro in meditating from one sitting, it requires constant practice.

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